

I’m an architect passionate about sustainability, computational design and UX design. I love smart solutions, having things organized and well designed.

I believe that parametric tools in architecture are a nice way of achieving better design – thanks to saving time and space optimization.


In my work I use mainly Rhino + Grasshopper, Figma and Photoshop.

Let me know if You find my scripts useful or You want to start an entirely new project. I’m open to collaborating on computational, design, and UX or graphic projects.


Also, I’m happy and proud to have WELL Accredited Professional™ title, which is a confirmation of expertise in the WELL Building Standard™ – building certification that prioritizes human health and wellbeing. As a WELL AP™, I can help to create spaces with a good impact on your and your’s clients’ health and well-being. Write if You are interested in getting WELL Certification, WELL Health-Safety Rating for Your investment or You need some researches in human-focused design.


Curious what we can create together or how much time You can save with some smart solutions?
Don’t bother to write!

[email protected]